We hav? all heard plenty ?b?ut th? invasion ?f foreign brands setting u? shop ?n Canada, but new trends in business cycles ?t home ?r? ?l?? creating more v?lue and b?tter returns f?r those investing ?n commercial real estate in Alberta.
No, it i? n?t the westward migration of th? population, money, ?nd business; ?lthough this ?s certa?nly helping to strengthen investments ?n Alberta.
One of th? m??t important i? the recent surge in n?w small businesses fueled by outsourcing. The availability of cheap labour overseas, and th? ease of d?ing business globally has b?en inspiring many Albertans t? start th??r own companies; ?nd with a lot bigger profit margins th?n ?ver before.
This ?s furth?r increasing the income ?nd net worth ?f Canadians ?t a rapid pace, and man? of th?se n?w startups ?re quickly b?com?ng medium sized businesses. As th?? grow, th?se companies will need to do ?t le??t s?me hiring ?t home, ?nd owners will c?rt??nly h?ve a lot more money t? spend at local retailers.
The energy sector and big oil money m?y b? Alberta?s m??t prominent job creator, but small business growth ?s essential t? ? healthy economy ?nd is directly tied to consumer spending. In fact, u? to 60% of jobs worldwide come from th? small business sector.
However, ?noth?r m?re recent trend highlighted in ? report ?n the Globe and Mail earlier thi? month promises ?v?n bett?r things for th? local economy. It appears m?n? larger corporations wh? have b??n offshoring ?r? n?w bringing many functions ?nd jobs back home, including important manufacturing ?nd shipping elements ?f the?r organizations.
For a number of reasons, these companies ?re finding operations running smoother ?nd more profitable when k?pt close to home, whi?h w?ll continue to put more money back ?nto th? Canadian economy and provide critical balance ?n th? nation?s employment.
How i? thi? directly affecting commercial real estate investments? For ? start ?t h?? driven office vacancies t? an incredible low. A trend expected t? continue a? more home based business owners need real office space, ?nd oth?r? bring jobs ?nd operations back here. All of wh??h is in additional to the continued foreign investment going on.
This extra liquid cash floating ?r?und Alberta is keeping up spending at local shopping centres, wh?ch i? n?t ju?t great f?r store operators ?nd owners, but just ?? great for th??e who invest in retail properties. It means f?w vacancies, high demand for space, higher rents and bett?r returns, n?t t? mention equity growth.
It ?? ? great time to get ?nto b?th office and retail property investments in Alberta, not only bec?use of th? instant returns ?vailabl? and projected growth, but t? capitalize ?n curr?ntl? low interest rates ?s well.
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